Landing pages for social media are set up for going viral in online communities like Facebook or Digg. It could be breaking news, an interesting blog post or an extensive list of resources that starts people talking and drives them to your site. The best landing page designs are going to direct traffic to your site for years to come once they are created.
A social media landing page that is successful will include 3 key features: relevance, usefulness and interesting content. Landing pages that lack one of those features require a redesign of the landing page.
Social media users don’t want to lose track of tools that can improve their lives, that is why landing pages for social media need to include tools for later reference. Offering useful content is a great way to ensure a page is bookmarked and promoted.
A social media landing page will differ when compared to a conventional pay per click landing page, as their goals are vastly different. The intent is having someone become a supporter of your site, not converting a sale. With posting your social landing page for others to see as well as share with others, your site is now being linked to, again and again, an important component to increase visitor traffic.
Social media landing pages differ from pay per click, as they need to link to other pages within your site along with being keyword specific. This allows for them to be more index-able, in turn, allowing for more to find the landing pages allowing for bookmarking and also sharing with others.
Looking to understand more about Landing Page Designs or ready to have your landing page built?
Rocket Booster Media supplies landing pages with great designs that lead to conversion. Layout, content, graphics, and colors are all key elements taken into the design process of the landing page. Ready to have us get started on a landing page that will close the deal for yours? Call 866.491.8285 and talk to Rocket Booster Media about boosting your business to success!
Social Media landing pages